I hear this too often, "why would I hire a sleep consultant when I could just find this information in a book or google?"

Well, let me tell you.

Let's back track a little...

Think back to being 8 months pregnant. At 8 months pregnant, I was SURE I would have a med-free delivery. I figured I would labour at home for hours and then show up to the hospital (midwives aren't available where I live - I would have jumped all over that) with just enough time to get admitted and have my baby. Then of course I would quickly leave and go back home, because who wants to stay in the hospital for longer than anticipated? Not this chick.


When I hit the 30 week mark of my pregnancy, I started to severely swell. My ankles were permanent cankles, and my legs felt like tree trunks. It's funny to me now, but shockingly scary back then. I got written off of work by my doctor, so I spent my remaining 10 weeks reading everything I could get my hands on about birth and breastfeeding (nothing about sleep because - I wasn't going to have sleep problems........LOL).

10 weeks had passed and I had learned how to perfect my labour positioning and how to get a perfect latch for every feed. I was basically an expert.

Finally, at 40+3, baby Drake arrives.

I'll summarize my labour and delivery by saying: IT DOESN'T ALWAYS GO AS PLANNED.

I'll also summarize breastfeeding by saying: HOLY OUUUUUUCH.

I will update you by saying: we did successfully make it to 1 year of breastfeeding, but it took a lactation consultant, a tongue tie correction, and a few visits to the breastfeeding clinic.

Fast forward to my sleep situation - as soon as I was having issues with Drake's sleep, I reached out to a sleep professional. Just like I had reached out to a lactation specialist when I was having breastfeeding problems.

The point of this history is: People have these jobs for a REASON. They are the professionals!

At 4 weeks postpartum, I was not in the right mental or emotional state to pick up a massive baby sleep book, and start implementing my own strategies, crossing my fingers it would work.

Was hiring a sleep consultant a financial investment? Of course!

Was it worth it? YES YES YES.

So what will I do for you that is different than any book available? I will send you a questionnaire that details your child's current nap and night time habits. I will ask about their temperament and eating habits. In older children we will discuss school routines, screen time allowance, and play. These questions help me get to know your child.

Then, a customized sleep plan is headed your way. I have many moms ask this before hiring me "what method do you use?" And truthfully - I can't always answer that. That's because I need to see the answers on your questionnaire to see how your baby reacts to your response - and your tolerance to change as well.

This isn't a "cookie cutter" approach. Your plan will not necessarily work if your best friend were to implement it on her own child.

The follow-up support is HUGE. This is really where your money is. This is where you have the freedom to message or text me with any questions or concerns you have while you're implementing the plan. With your plan, you really are set up for complete success. Although, if you're feeling wishy washy about any portion - that's what I'm there for.

We are working together for a minimum of 3 weeks to ensure you are well on your way to sleep success!

In summary - do you need to hire someone for every aspect of your life? No. My husband has fixed lots of things around our house that could have been fixed by someone else.

But if you have been struggling with sleep for SO. LONG. and you've tried everything and nothing is working - don't you think reaching out to a sleep professional is worth it? How much is your sleep worth to you? Because mine is worth a whole lot more than staying up for hours on end.

So, is hiring a sleep consultant an investment? Yes.

Is hiring a sleep consultant absolutely worth it? YES.

Bailey Aulenbach

Hi, I’m Bailey! I am a wife, a mother, and a sleep consultant! I love helping tired families get the sleep they need!!


Nighttime Potty Training


Back to School - SLEEP TIPS (home-school, in-person school, or a mixture of both)